penn state demo dorm room

Penn State’s Demo Dorm Room

In Bedroom, Purchasing and Value by Morgan Dix

We love working with Penn State University.

Previously, we’ve shared with you their unique and engaging process for choosing residence hall furniture. They call it the Best Value Process or BVP for short.

What’s so unique about Penn State, in our experience, is that they fully include their students in their furniture vetting and selection process.

The Demo Dorm Room

Earlier this week we were visiting Penn State as part of a regular check-in, and we saw something really cool that we wanted to share with you.

We were walking along and came upon this room that was set up in a common area. Basically, it was a model dorm room with boxes of cereal and everything you can imagine a college student would have in their dorm room.

A demo dorm room helps prospective students glean what their living conditions will be like should choose to attend the university. All the prospective students who are taking the school tour get to visit this demo room.

And that makes a lot of sense. First, students will spend a lot of their college years in their residence hall rooms. Second, a huge portion of every student’s higher education expenses goes to housing.

So it makes sense for the school to provide students with a way to look into the future.

In the following pictures, you can see the model room with all the DCI furniture: beds, desks, wardrobes, and underbed storage chests.

Demo Dorm Room Gallery

In the following pictures, you can see the model room with all the DCI furniture: bed, desk, wardrobe, and underbed stackable storage chests.